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5 Tips for Controlling Emotions to Win Big in Blackjack

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The dealer and casino are not always the biggest opponent going up against a player in the game of blackjack. While it may seem like it, in reality, players can be their own worst enemy. Being mindful while playing and keeping emotions in check is one the smartest things a player can do. Here are a few helpful tips for controlling emotions while playing blackjack.

1. Take the Wins with the Loses

You can’t win them all! Accepting that sometimes you may and will probably lose one point during blackjack is something all players need to do. Accepting the fact you can not win every game of blackjack will help soften some of the losses and make the wins even more triumphant. Afterall, blackjack is more than a game of skill it is also a game of luck.

2. Practice Breathing

Meditation isn’t just for hippies anymore. Science has proven that regular meditation can be beneficial for everyone and especially helpful during stressful situations. According to The American Institute of Stress, proper breathing techniques can lower blood pressure and enhance concentration. Both of these benefits of breathing are critical to playing blackjack well and may even increase your chances of beating the dealer.

3. Keep an Eye on the Clock

Before sitting down to play blackjack, set a goal of the amount of time you want to play. Try to stick to this time, players who do this can avoid burn out or lessen the chances of making costly mistakes due to being tired. Setting a timer before playing is an excellent idea to keep track of time playing blackjack. A Chinese proverb says, “If you must play, decide on three things at the start the rules of  the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.” This saying is particularly the case and good to remember in games like blackjack.

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4. Slow Down, Tiger!

It is easy to get hypnotized by the bright atmosphere of a land or online casino, it important to pace yourself at the blackjack tables. Quick draw blackjack games are thrilling but do have some drawbacks. Slow and steady always wins the race and can give you time to thoughtfully

plan the next move at the table you are playing. Try to be cool as a cucumber to manage emotions, and in the long run, it will make you a better, stronger and more centered blackjack player.

5. Listen to your Gut

Playing a few intense games of blackjack can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. Take time to listen to your instincts about when to quit and walk away or when to keep playing longer. In

make it or break it situations based on luck,intuition can help guide you to make the right decisions.

Roman philosopher, Seneca wrote, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” These words are great advice for any blackjack player who is serious about the game and who wants to win. With a little preparation, mindfulness, and luck you can enjoy the game of blackjack and win big!

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